Trying to read more books in translation this year, so these recs are much appreciated!

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Oh wait, and as a Mexico dweller, you would probably love this: You Dreamed of Empires,' by Álvaro Enrigue...set in ancient Mexico, wild & fantastical and really beautiful.

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Dear Sister Deborah — the one that floats my boat is the Feiffer, which might make a nice b’day present for Pai.

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LOVE Phantom Tollbooth. It's so great - Pai would love it but might miss some of the puns, but Grandpa can doubtless explain those things to her. Great idea.

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Thanks! I don't know the home languages so can't vouch for the veracity but I know that Salih spoke English fluently & chose to write in Arabic, so I assume he was pleased with that translation, at least. . .

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